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Our IT Infrastructure partners offer a diverse set of network products and managed services that can simplify your transition to the cloud and improve customer service.


In today's internet based economy, reliable network services are integral to the successful deployment and operation of the critical applications you rely upon to deliver competitive customer service.  Are you prepared to tackle network design, provisioning, monitoring, security, and management?  Our partners offer products and managed services they can tailor to your business requirements that can deliver the functionality and service levels you require to attract and retain customers.  

Network Provisioning and Management Services









Network Design

Today's consumers, B2B customers, employees , and supply chain partners have come to expect the ability to collaborate and transact business any time and anywhere on their channel of choice.  This capability is the foundation of any digital strategy.  Have you considered the advantages of addressing your communications needs using a Software Defined Network (SDN)?  We will work with you and all of your constituents and with our trusted partners to customize an integrated omni-channel, voice, data, and wireless network design that meets these requirements.




Network Provisioning
Do you have the technical and project management skilled resources to provision the required network equipment, software, and services in the timeframe you need and gracefully and cost-effectively retire any legacy networks?  We have highly skilled and experienced project managers and network partners who can take the lead and assist with this effort.



Network Monitoring

Have you defined the critical service level agreements (SLAs) that your networks must achieve to meet customer, employee, and supply chain partner expectations?  Have you implemented a network monitoring system that will automatically notify you of network outages, response time slowdowns, bandwidth congestion, capacity constraints, jitter, and other SLA exceptions?  We can help you develop the SLAs and implement the network monitoring systems you need to protect them.



Network Security
To protect your critical applications and sensitive information, you must adopt a defense in depth, layered security model, with the network layer of security of critical importance to securing the remainder of your enterprise.  We can assist you in defining the security policies and procedures that will serve as the blueprint of your network security layer.  Trusted partners can then help you implement the security systems that will automate this security layer.
Managed Network Services
Do you have the skilled resources who can monitor and manage the growth and evolution of your network strategy, implement network changes gracefully, and respond quickly to SLA exceptions?  Are these same resources trained and experienced in network security and capable of preventing, diagnosing, and responding to network intrusions, distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks, unnecessary bandwidth congestion, and capacity constraints?    We have skilled partners who can unburden you and your technical staff of these critical tasks by addressing them as managed services.


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